Reflection: Perspectives

In this reflection, Stacy reflects on  a sewage pipe break in her home, using it as a springboard to dive into the broader theme of perspective.

She highlights how life's experiences, both minor and significant, shape our ability to view situations in relative terms. Emphasizing the development of the cortex, which greatly influences our critical thinking, problem-solving, and perspective-taking abilities, she points out that perspective is a gift that comes with age and experience. 

Stacy also discusses the importance of not minimizing others' experiences due to differing perspectives, particularly in the context of children and teenagers, who are still developing their worldview. Through her storytelling, she underscores the value of experiencing life's challenges, small and large, and the importance of empathy and understanding in navigating these situations with others.

00:23 Exploring the Concept of Perspective
02:08 A Shitty Situation Turns into a Life Lesson
03:49 Finding Gratitude in the Midst of Chaos
04:19 The Gift of Perspective and Its Impact

Creators and Guests

Stacy G. York Nation, LCSW
Stacy G. York Nation, LCSW
Trauma informed care and education, passion to end child abuse and neglect, loving humans #gobeyou #parenting #therapistlife
Reflection: Perspectives